Chili Cookoff Event Info Directions & Hotel Schedule News
Event Info
Trophies, Awards, & Fees
Entry Fee: $25 per cookoff (Online Early Bird Special through April 3rd, Regular Price $30) CASI Rules Apply (No membership required.)
1st – $500 Pendery's Gift Card & Trophy
2nd- $300 Pendery's Gift Card & Trophy
3rd – $100 Pendery's Gift Card & Trophy
4th – $50 Pendery's Gift Card & Certificate
5th – $25 Pendery's Gift Card & Certificate
6th – $10 Pendery's Gift Card & Certificate
7th – $5 Pendery's Gift Card & Certificate
8th – $5 Pendery's Gift Card & Certificate
9th – $5 Pendery's Gift Card & Certificate
10th – $5 Pendery's Gift Card & Certificate
Free, one member of Team must be a CASI Chili Entry
1st Place – $50 Pendery's Gift Card & Award Certificate
2nd Place – $25Pendery's Gift Card & Award Certificate
3rd Place – $10 Pendery's Gift Card & Award Certificate
Entry Fee: $10
1st - Trophy
2nd - Trophy
3rd - Trophy
4th through 10th – Award Certificate
Please keep in mind that all cooks who want to compete in the ICS Division must register for the event through the ICS website, and have a current ICS Membership in order to be recognized as an official contestant. It is very simple-log on to, locate the event, and click "Register." (Long term and short term membership are available.) ICS Rules Apply.
Entry Fee per Cookoff: Red $40, Verde $30
Red Chili
1st – $1,000 + $250 Pendery's Gift Card
2nd- $500 + $250 Pendery's Gift Card
3rd – $250 + $100 Pendery's Gift Card
Verde Chili
1st – $200 + $100 Pendery's Gift Card
2nd- $100 + $100 Pendery's Gift Card
3rd – $100 Pendery's Gift Card
Trophies in addition to cash prizes
There are Two Different Divisions in the Cookoff: CASI/Tolbert and ICS. One may cook in one or both divisions at once, but a separate bowl of Chili will need to be turned in per division. The judging rules of each Division are also different. You do not need a membership to cook in the CASI/Tolbert Division. To qualify for ICS you must be a current ICS member or purchase a membership.
- Each entry must have a Fire Extinguisher.
- Cooking areas are included with entry fees and are first come first serve. (No overnight Parking, refer to the "Directions & Hotel" tab for overnight RV parking information.)
- All equipment and vehicles must remain within the purchased area and cannot infringe on others designated areas.
- No cancellations or refunds.
- Neither Pendery's nor Peticola's is responsible for personal items.
- Please keep the area clean and green and dispose of trash properly.
- Tents may be errected in designated areas and cannot interfere with parking.
- Tents must be erected without stakes for support and cannot have commercial business, advertising or displays without prior written approval.
- Tents may not be larger than 10 x 10.
- ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION REGULATIONS: Alcohol will be allowed in designated areas only. NO ALCOHOL IS ALLOWED IN THE STREET OR COOKING AREA per Dallas City Ordinance. If you consume alcohol before or off site, please do so responsibly.
- Responsible and appropriate behavior is required. Inappropriate behavior may result in sanctions by law enforcement authorities and expulsion from the event.
Volunteers & Judges
We need judges for the Cookoff – in excess of 100! Crazy, I know. For those interested in being a judge:
Judges will be hosted by Peticolas Brewing Company.
There are two divisions to the Cookoff and the following are the times for the Judges' Meetings:
April 4th
CASI/Tolbert Chili-12:45
ICS Verde Chili-12:45
ICS Red Chili-1:45 – Help Judge the biggest payout for Chili in the State of Texas!
Judge's Bonus Donation
Be one of the first 100 to make a donation of any size, and sign up to be a judge and we will make a donation of $50 to The Participating Charity of your choice!
Judge's Bonus Donation list is prioritized by donation date and time on this site. The first to sign up & donate online and then check in at any time to judge the day of the event will qualify for the Judge's Bonus Donation. If we have too many judges for a particular event, it is possible that not all will be able to judge, but the bonus donation will still be made as long as the volunteer signs in to judge the day of the event. If a judge does not show up the day of the event, the bonus donation will go to the charity of the next judge on the list. Chili Cookoff contestants and/or cash prize winners are not eligible to judge.
An event like the Pendery's Charity Chili Cook-Off could never happen without a LOT of volunteers. Everyone that works with us is a volunteer, there are no paid positions. We all volunteer to help make our community a better place. There is a lot of satisfaction that comes from volunteering to make an event like this a reality. You will make new friends and meet new people, share your knowledge, do something new and different and most of all have a lot of fun!
There are a lot of different tasks that need to be done. Some are small and some are large. However much time you have, we appreciate it. If you have just a day to give that is great and if you have more time to devote to a larger project, that of course is great too. We have several areas that can always use more help. Some of the areas that you can volunteer for are: planning, promotional / marketing, set up, clean up, material sourcing, runners, registration table, logistics and ground planning, judging and more!